Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers, You are Royal, Today and Everyday!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone who has ever provided a child with a special hug or smile, who has changed a diaper or stayed up late at night with a sick child.  Your love for a child nurtures that child but also impacts the future of a nation. The way that we love as adults reflect how we were loved and nurtured as children.  It takes a village to raise a child and I am especially thankful for the women who raised me. Special mommy hugs and love for my Mama, Linett Wills (photo), my Mother, Roslyn Chambers, Granny Da and Aunty Fan. Thanks to them, I had a childhood filled with love and have been able to pass that love along to my own kids.

If you are the nurturer of a child and today you are feeling tired, overwhelmed or under appreciated, just know that you are royal, your love heals, and the love that you give today will last a lifetime.

In the heart and mind of a child, mother's day is everyday so Happy Mother's Day to you, today and everyday!

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  1. Beautiful post! Following you from the Mom Bloggers Club. Would love it if you would visit and LIKE my page:


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