Sunday, January 8, 2012

Finding Your Happy Place During Stressful Times

How do I handle stress? I eat my favorite comfort foods, which is a grill cheese sandwich and Cherry Garcia ice-cream. Who doesn't love a good grill cheese sandwich and although I am a 95% vegan, there is something very comforting about dairy. I also listen to my favorite music (gospel and reggae) while tackling a huge project, the more stress the bigger the project. This weekend, I was trying to handle my father's illness without having a major meltdown in front of the kids so I decided to renovate the kids's bathroom.
 That is the kind of project that could occupy my mind for hours. I went the local hardware store and bought all the supplies and even removed a mirror. I came to my senses when I realized that restoring bathroom tile would really add to the stress. Above is the picture of the more appropriate project that I tackled. I found a cloth hammock for $10 in Ross, identified 2 trees in my backyard, viewed a video on Youtube on how to hang a hammock and after a few bumps in the road, I smelled the sweet scent of success. 

Ice-cream, gospel music and a hammock won't bring long lasting peace and happiness (prayer, attitude of gratitude and focusing on others bring me long term peace) but it is good to know where to find temporary relief in stressful times. 

1 comment:

  1. I find peace through writing. :) A cheese sandwich sounds so awesome right now ;)


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