Sunday, April 22, 2012

14 Years of Unconditional Love - My Beloved Pet Rudy

On Sunday, April 15, 2012, my beloved Rudy passed away peacefully in my arms while I rubbed his head. He had an enlarged liver and spleen and had not been eating or drinking much for about 2 weeks. The veterinarian encouraged me to put him to sleep but he wasn't in obvious pain so I couldn't bring do it because if I was in his shoes, I wouldn't want to be assisted in my passage. On his last day, he was clearly struggling and I was distraught at the thought of his passage. As I was struggling with difficult thoughts about the sanctity of life, how one should transition to death, whether another ultrasound or an operation would help....all the thoughts one would have about a human being,
he indicated that it was his time to go and went peacefully. My father passed away a few months ago and the same life/death decisions had to be made. I'm glad that God and Rudy removed that cup from me and allowed Rudy to transition on his own terms. 

I poured my love for Rudy in a blog post, entitled, For the Love of a Pissy Cat, about a year ago. We can experience God's love in many ways but the love received from a pet is probably the best way to experience God's unconditional love. Speaking of love, my wonderful husband, for the past 11 years, has been living with a cat that exacerbates his allergies. Thank you, my honey bunny! He found this wonderful prayer that we prayed to thank Rudy for his love and bless him on his new journey. 

By Diana Macalintal, Saying Goodbye to a Dying Pet 

In the name of God the Father,
who created you and all the animals,
in the name of Jesus the Son,
who spoke of you in parables and stories,
in the name of the Holy Spirit,
in whom every creature lives, moves, and has their being,
go now in peace, dear friend.
May you find rest near refreshing waters,
may you lie in cool, green pastures,
and may you warm yourself under the sun that never sets.
You have been my constant companion,
my shadow and confidante,
my comfort and playmate.
You filled my days with life and brought me endless joy.
For this I give thanks to God who gave you to me.
Now return to your Maker who eagerly waits for you
as you waited for me at the end of each day.
In the Father’s arms, let there be no more pain.
Let there be no more suffering.
Let there be only light as it was on the day God created you.

For our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Blessed be the name of the Lord, now and forever. Amen.

Rudy brought us great joy for over 14 years. He was a member of the family in every way that counts. We all gathered around him to pray and say our goodbyes. We planted some flowers in his honor and wished his soul a safe, peaceful and happy passage to its next station. 

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